Literary Black Friday


I told you all about the book sale the Detroit Public Library was hosting this past weekend. The book lover and cozy day reader in me got up early equipped with reusable shopping bags gathering coins for the parking meter. I was going to tackle the world before I was due to punch the clock. Get there early was the only thing on my mind. As I pulled into parking space number 6, I noticed the line growing. My strong legs and limited baggage carried me across the street in a hurry.

At 10 AM, the doors were unlocked and the herd drove into the basement of one of the most beautiful libraries, which is celebrating it 150th birthday this year. People brought boxes, their suitcases, grabbed available boxes to cash in on the savings. The books they offer are from the library’s collection that have been put out of circulation. Any type if book you can think of is here. All the mass production paper backs are 10 cents, other paperbacks are .50 and my favorite the hardcover books are $1. You can’t even beat that at the thrift store.

I loaded up my bag and read the descriptions to books that caught my interest and battled over a few titles. The war was started because I only allowed myself $20 for the event and I had to make the right choices. With my bag loaded with the books I decided to purchase I made my way to the cashier. Eighteen dollars later, I emerged from the real readers of Detroit’s speakeasy. Excited about the haul I hurried along with my day eager for day 2. You didn’t think I was done!

The second day I usually wait towards the end of the sale to appear. Just to see if there is anything I may have left and what the volunteers have added to the shelf. What literary gem did I discover this time? A pristine copy of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe. I wanted it more than anything but day 2 is about pushing my literary boundaries into new genres. My young man helped me pick out a few horror books and knew that he would need to turn my light off at night. I only spent $6 on Saturday for a total of 24 books to read. That’s Beau!

Here are the titles from my latest haul.  My love affair with Mark Twain continues as I picked up a copy of “Life on the Mississippi.”  The author J. D. Mason captured me a few years back and I couldn’t remember if I had read these titles but I picked them up.  (I also realized I need to make a list to take with me to reference while shopping next year.). “The New Basic Black” is an etiquette book for people of color and tips about how you should conduct yourself.  Major side eye if you feel I should not have purchased this and my niece will being an etiquette class in the near future.  It’s needed!

The book I’m the most excited about from my time attending this event over the years is an autograph copy of “Roots” by Alex Haley. I guard it with my life. In my Beau Miss decor there’s a big question about, how I plan to store these? Just wait and see! More than any thing else the proceeds of this great event benefit a worthy cause.  That makes it a win win!


Have you read any of the titles I purchase this time? Does your local library release their books to the public? I would be interested in visiting locations in other cities and communities.

Beloved Favorites: Books

This pass summer I indulged myself in the times of long ago through the literary works of fiction. In true book lover form, I grabbed the hard & paperback copy of a few great reads. These stories kept me on the edge of my seat, up late into the night and hauling them around town waiting for someone to say “please wait.” My love for reading and books is true and I’d like to share a few titles with you.

The first book I read last season was “Sapphire’s Grave.” This was a complex tale that spanned several generations and is filled with mystery, love and strength. All of this began on a slave ship from Africa. The story takes off and I desired to know more about what happened.

The literary classic “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” was my next conquest. Everyone knows I’m a sucker for a good story set in the time of slavery and segregation. I found myself cheering, crying irritated and smiling all while reading. I know some of you may be thinking – “Didn’t she read that in school?” Uh no! Detroit Public Schools or my teachers failed to expose me to this fabulous tale of overshadowed with the unflattering portion of American history. During my visit to John King Books last year, I picked up an unedited copy. This story will remain in my mind forever and I certainly understand why Mark Twain is considered one of the greatest. I can check this one off the 50 book challenge, now!

The summer season closed out with, “This Side of the Sky.” This book packed a lot in 320 pages. The four part encounter takes you on a journey of two friends from Mississippi to Paris. I really don’t like to spoil a story for others. All I can say is, I passed the book along to my sisters and their reading pleasure.

Summer Reading

I love reading! Over the pass couple years, I’ve explored ebooks via my Nook. It’s fun for traveling and work. Call me old school but I just still like turning pages and bookmarks. On the eve of the second semi-annual sale I love (Victoria’s Secret being #1), the Detroit Public Library will be releasing another load of books this coming October 17 -18. This sale has become a major contributor to my future library. My embosser is ready to claim ownership of a few new interesting titles and enjoy my favorite pass time. 🙂

Are you still a page turner or have you adapted the technology and convenience of ebooks?  Would you be interested in a haul video from the book sale?


9: Streaming Garden Project

No, we haven’t decided to place a stream in the church garden. I’m speaking in reference to the digital streaming that prevents us from receiving information as fast as we want. You all know how passionate I am about gardening and the assignment I have within the church. Well once again the progress was halted by congregational administration red tape. But you probably already figured that out by my lack of posts about the next step after we prepared the bed for flowers. I’ll give you the short version. Moreover I want to explain why this is an important event of my 2013.

The bed was cleared for us to prep the soil and plant the flowers as the introduction of the Herbert B. Robinson Sr. Memorial Garden project early summer. I even agreed to have the church landscaper to clear out the remaining portion of the bed because only three (3) members assisted me with the work. As I stood a little taller filled with pride over our forward movement with the endeavor, I was hit with an unforeseeable blow. They said “don’t plant yet until we get the building painted.” Okay! When are they planning to paint the building? It was so long ago, I can’t remember if they said this week or next week. Either way it went it was neither week. The summer was almost over before they painted that wall. The grass had filled the bed up again and once I again I felt defeat. A feeling I want to personalize because I find it hard to believe the church doesn’t want to have this garden prepared or functional for other events. I feel no true support for the vision I have for the space or the memory/tribute I feel is owed to the legacy of our but mainly my former pastor. There has been hurdle after hurdle and my frustration has yield a sour taste on my tongue for the non-profit. With all of these feelings I still have a desire to continue. The question is am I alone?

I’m currently, planning a schedule to present to the pastor which meets my needs and satisfies the work I want to begin. It’s been two (2) gardening seasons since this was initiated. At all times, I’m exploring other avenues to create a better life for my family. This was a portion of my talent & time offering to the church. Now that I am equipped with more information and a stubborn attitude to reject the failure I feel. It time to aggressively move in the direction I want to see on land rather than just in my dreams.

The reason this pitfall event made it to the countdown is because it displays the growth I’ve experienced over these years. The old me would have just threw her hands up and said just forget about it. The matured woman understands that sometimes you have to go about things a different way. Especially when those things will add value to your life and as much as I love making money – that’s not the value I speak of. 🙂
